u6d3UBhu8tj a scris in data 08-11-2013:
The problem is evernoye wants government services, but they don't want to pay for them. I guess, most people expect someone else to pay the bills. If evernoye had to pay their equal share, they either couldn't or wouldn't want to.From 2006 article (no longer on web): 'GDP, total output, of the U.S.A. is $12.6 trillion, which divided by 300 million, yields a per-capita GDP of $42,000. The cost of regulations in the U.S. is about $1.2 trillion, or $4,000 per person. The government burden, taxes plus regulation, is thus over $16,000 per person.' Since 2006, there are more regulations, including major regulations, e.g. financial reform, CAFE standards, health care reforms, 'green' energy reforms, etc.
GlEibcOZHXP a scris in data 26-10-2013:
So, you humored me, and I decdied to do the math. Let's say you traded an M1911 for its equivalent in TF2 guns. M1911 s go for on average 600 Dollars. 600 Dollars can buy 240 Keys. 1 Key = 4 Refined Metal. 240 Keys = 960 Refined Metal. 960 Refined = 2880 Reclaimed Metal. 2880 Reclaimed Metal = 8640 Scrap Metal. One weapon is usually sold for a scrap. So basically, you have 8640 Weapons. Double that for 17,280 weapons if you could find someone who would do a 1:1 Trade.
x5qOXEIaOk0 a scris in data 25-10-2013:
Ce ma bucur ca ai pus poze! Eu ma misc cam greu cu FB-ul si altele de genul(cred ca sunt ulimtul om de pe planeta), stiu ca facusei tu trimiteri, imediat dupa, dar nu m-am descurcat, ardeam de nerabdare sa vad.Pare sa fi fost minunat, ma bucur mult-mult-mult pentru voi!
YsVXKSGZg a scris in data 23-10-2013:
Schuljahr 2012/2013Sommerferien 2012 26. Juli 2012 bis 8. September 2012Herbstferien 2012 29. Oktober 2012 bis 2. November 2012**Weihnachtsferien 24. Dezember 2012 bis 5. Januar 2013Osterferien 2013 25. Me4rz 2013 bis 5. April 2013Pfingstferien2013 21. Mai 2013 bis 1. Juni 2013Schuljahr 2013/2014Sommerferien 2013 25. Juli 2013 bis 7. September 2013Herbstferien 2013 28. Oktober 2013 bis 30. Oktober 2013 ** Am 31. Oktober 2013 (Reformationsfest) ist schulfrei.Weihnachtsferien 23. Dezember 2013 bis 4. Januar 2014Osterferien 2014 14. April 2014 bis 25. April 2014Pfingstferien 2014 10. Juni 2014 bis 21. Juni 2014