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swTbnSbJpBf a scris in data 15-11-2013:
Only in America? Are you completely igroannt? Did you even watch the video? The report is from the UK talking about European banks. It's? a global issue. So if you wanted to say this would happen only on Earth , then that might make sense.
XDiuxzcy a scris in data 12-11-2013:
Son of a gun, this is so hepflul!
VmAyUPeg2V3 a scris in data 07-11-2013:
'there are also other HR, compliance, and legal costs atsaciosed with having employees'...Exactly Ron H!My hourly rate at the airlines is $24.00/hour...Still it costs the airlines nearly $50/hour due to what Fleischer mentions in his opinion piece and what you've brought up...This does a good job of explaining the trepidations employers face today...
Ag98k2Wsn7e a scris in data 23-10-2013:
Ne uitam chiar zilele tecurte pe pozele din albume si ne`am amintit cat de usor am colaborat cu voi, indiferent ca a fost vorba de sedinta foto in sine, sau de filmarile de la biserica si restaurant.Nunta noastra a fost o experienta unica si incantatoare, iar voi ati surprins, cu mult talent si profesionalism, momentele fericite prin care am trecut.Putem spune ca sedinta foto a fost cel mai relaxant episod al nuntii datorita experientei si creativitatii echipei de la Videodreams , iar talentul lor si-a lasat amprenta asupra produsului final: poze deosebite, albume frumoase, dvd-uri cu un continut de calitate si de bun gust, peste care vom privi cu placere de-a lungul anilor Speram sa ne revedem cat de curand, cu ocazia altor evenimente deosebite !
tPv47p9UK a scris in data 22-10-2013:
THX that's a great anewrs!