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Invitatie Cu Dantela

Parerile vizitatorilor despre acest produs:
EtFRYoZJ a scris in data 07-11-2013:
'As far as what the Constitution allows and sttaes, personally I am a big believer of the Second Amendment and the rights I think we have under it (CCW), but I will not go off on that tangent here'...Well Walt G I wasn't swerving into the 2nd amendment, I was thinking more along the lines of the part myself...'Sure, we can eliminate the watch-dog role of the government and hope someone else takes it over'...Well Walt G, government does a very poor job of playing the watchdog and local, county, state, and national governments have a long and consistent track record of doing a poor job regardless of which part of the country you're thinking about...Here's another lovely example of how a city that has garnered tens of millions of extorted tax dollars both state and federal and still can't get their act together:...

PmjQYNm1ueM a scris in data 07-11-2013:
Hey Walt G...'The free market and pcysihs are not the same. I have never heard the term 'gravity failure,' but I have heard the term 'free market failure.'...Well Walt the ONLY time I've heard of 'free market failure' is when it emanates from someone who has no clue what the free market is...'If the fire inspector does not force the issue, will you go in the back and check? Will the store owner worry about this?'...Well again thinking adults will make their own choice of whether to shop a place that isn't safe but cheap or safer but a bit more expensive...'You can call it the 'extortion angle,' but I call it holding them accountable so our people on the floor don't get hurt'...Now I not mean to sound insulting here but I can't help but wonder if you're implying that the people on the floor aren't smart enough to figure it out for themselves?Hey Walt do me a favor when you get the chance and look at this Jeff Perren opinion piece: I'm curious to what your take is on it and if you see it as crony capitalism as Peren does?

QJIwOWJa4 a scris in data 27-10-2013:
I'm not a sports enssuhiatt by any means, but I'd imagine that certain internationally popular sports such as hockey also require specialized gear and equipment for all the players. What's so massively costly about American Football gear (vs. hockey gear) that it would be the primary reason why the sport hasn't taken off one bit even in generally wealthy territories like China, East Asia, Canada or Europe?

UY5VwdQIwG a scris in data 26-10-2013:
what if this is the result of the ecmoony leaving the government's hand? What if the Internet develops its own form of centralized, direct democratic government? The people could, while surfing the web, receiving a notice telling them what has happened and that they need to decide. Imagine a world where the Internet replaces the government. where anyone can make a vote simply through the access of a phone. where soon jobs are handled entirely electronically.

D5kI4qzD27 a scris in data 25-10-2013:
LOVE Pret A Manger too. That's where I have breakfast every day when I'm in London. And I was so exitced when they opened branches in HK some years ago. Thanks for your lovely posts. And such great hauls !!

ryYogndDA a scris in data 24-10-2013:
I put a dent in the world's forests by not only dwonloading, but printing out your missive. I'm already at Page 63, and I've learned so much. Thanks in's a great & informative read! Highlighting all the way, and I'm taking much to heart!

0Wn4LQBze8X a scris in data 24-10-2013:
Your Ebook was listed on SITS on Sunday. I just wntaed to find it on your website and say thanks for sharing this info. I have been reading it in bits and think it is a great read. Love your blog too, so glad I found it.

EyyJxvF76nq3 a scris in data 23-10-2013:
Geany - Ce mai, a fost o nunta faina faina multumim fraogotfilor ca au fost pe faza si mirilor pentru reactia lor, cat despre masa speciala si-altadata si-altadata o s-o facem si mai si mai lata, heheheeh!!! ENHORABUENA parejita!!!

KR4QESv6Y1 a scris in data 23-10-2013:
Hey Kas,I loved the riot of colours at all the flweor shops (and there were so many!) If I lived in New York, I'd definitely be tempted to buy flweor often. hi Lynn,I had a great time walking around the city. I hate taking the subway so I usually just walk. I didn't catch any musicals or plays as I preferred to explore the shops :-)

WEb6R5YT46 a scris in data 23-10-2013:
Buna seara,am intimpinat o pmlboera si nu stiu cum sa o rezolv,poate ma puteti ajuta.Lucrez legal in Germania ,am contract de munca pe o perioada nedeterminata,stau impreuna cu sotia si fiica mea in chirie,suntem inregistrati la Rathaus,fiica mea merge la scoala,sotia mea lucreaza si ea ,dar pe o firma romaneasca.Avem o masina cu numere romanesti ,care este inmatriculata pe firma noastra dinRomania.intrebarea este daca trebuie sa platim impozit aici in Germania?Citiva colegi au fost opriti de politie sau zollamt si au primit amenda pt ca nu aveau platit acest impozit;am fost la Landkreiss si la Finanzamt si mi-au spus ca nu stiu nimic de asa ceva.Pe adresa firmei la care sunt angajat a venit o adresa de la politia orasului ,prin care se cere angajatilor sa intre in legalitate cu masinile inmatriculate in alte tari(Romania,Ungaria,Polonia).Va multumesc

DEbEEj3q a scris in data 22-10-2013:
With all these silly webestis, such a great page keeps my internet hope alive.

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