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       Invitatie pe fundal maro
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Invitatie pe fundal maro
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Cod 03
Dimensiuni:13x13 cm
Culori disponibile : la cererea clientului!
Stil grafic: dupa preferinta dumneavoastra.

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Invitatie pe fundal maro

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wZhuYXjUa9 a scris in data 04-02-2014:
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yW1r1ALeIp a scris in data 08-11-2013:
Also, I may add, U.S. GDP in 2010 is not much higher than 2006 (particularly, given pooplatiun growth). Regulations have gone way up, and taxes will soon follow.

HXLRY3Lcdc5 a scris in data 07-11-2013:
O.K. Walt G let me play the devil's advocate here...'Yes, the feds might do a poor job, but ofmietetns that is the only hammer you have to force compliance to solve a serious problem'...Hmmm, so the use of the 'extortion angle' is the way to go for what some might see as a 'serious problem', eh?'Do you seriously believe business will absorb cost that does not benefit them on the books?'...Why should business absorb the costs Walt G?'The free market does not always work'...What you're saying here is akin to saying that the laws of physics regarding gravity for instance doesn't always work...Just not true...Bad eateries like bad anything else are avoided like the plague by adults who pay attention...I think John Stossel explains it better than I can: 'We have four different types of water lines and only one is potable water (safe to drink)'...Hmmm, this begs the questions of who set these standards for water pipes and what was/is their collective credibility to set such standards?'But you have to work with the cards you are dealt even if they are shitty ones'...Actually no one doesn't have to be so accepting and maybe a little chaos will wake folks up to what's not working but still costing folks money...Just my opinion though Walt G...

vWvt4wWb8U a scris in data 23-10-2013:
Salut!Cred ca mi-ai cerut un link care sunt de acord!te-am aaadgut la mine in blogroll cu numele tau, daca nu e bine ma anunti si modific...Pe mine poti sa ma treci Achilianusanatate...

zgnjgLZq5 a scris in data 23-10-2013:
Marea greseala este a mamei duvtoameasnra pentru ca nu a avut niciun fel de asigurare medicala in timpul sederii in Germania. Greseala mare deoarece nicio firma de asigurari (fie de stat, fie privata) nu va asigura un eveniment survenit anterior incheierii asigurarii.Cei de la AOK au considerat evenimentul ca fiind anterior incheierii asigurarii si astfel nu va fi acoperit, de aceea cardul nu a fost acceptat. Daca nici in Romania nu a avut asigurare medicala atunci nu aveti alte solutii, factura de la spital va trebui platita. Ce puteti face este sa vorbiti cu cei de la spital asupra situatiei sa va permita o plata esalonata in mai multe rate.Prietenul italian se refera la Cardul European de asigurari de sanatate.Succes!

Diana a scris in data 07-12-2010:
si eu imi doresc o asemenea invitatie cand o sa fac nunta

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