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       Invitatie Cu Fundita Mov
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Cod 07
Dimensiuni: 19.50x15cm
Culori: Doar cum e in poza .Un joc de culori!

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Invitatie Cu Fundita Mov

Parerile vizitatorilor despre acest produs:
6EjKRHkDU a scris in data 07-11-2013:
Walt, there are also unintended coqucnsenees to regulated markets, including deaths. We can't really say government helped build a better internet than the free market (Microsoft at one time wanted to replace the internet). A 7-year old girl has few ways to earn some income compared to the opportunities an 'old wino' had.CAFE regulations stopped tens of thousands of Americans from pursuing happiness:'The primary unintended consequence of CAFE regulation has been its negative impact on occupant safety. The effect of ever-increasing fuel economy standards has been an accelerated trend towards smaller vehicles (faster than the market would have trended if left alone).A 1999 USA Today analysis estimated that from 1975 to 1999, approximately 46,000 people died in crashes they would otherwise have survived had they been driving larger vehicles.'

Q1pcvKKB51 a scris in data 07-11-2013:
Yet another eplmxae of federal oversight (watchdog?) causing more problems than necessary due to both pure incompetence and bent political aspirations by clueless clowns:(thanks to Doug Ross)

BXbdVJlvBQ a scris in data 24-10-2013:
Of, intr-o zi, inainte de pesine sper, sa imi permit si eu cateva perechi Louboutin, Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik :)Imi plac primii si cei albastru electric, primii pentru practicitate si comoditate, iar ceilalti pentru ca sunt obsedata de incaltarile albastre mai ales din suede.Anul trecut am exploatat o pereche de cizme stil apache, mai ca nu dormeam cu ele si toata lumea le admira desi erau no name, dar modelul cu franjuri si culoarea aparte le faceau notabile. Le-am stricat luandu-le si pe umezeala, asa ca anul asta mi-au trebuit altele. Am vrut acelasi model, nu am mai agsit decat pe mov o ramasita, si m-am gandit ca mov nu e totusi asa accesibil nu merge la orice pe cand albastru e un fel de noul negru. Asa ca mi-am luat tot albastre, dar un pic mai bleumarin, si simple, pana la jumatatea genunchiului.Si uite asa acum iarasi am nevoie de cizme caci daca vreau sa nu fac ca anul trecut trebuie sa stau departe de ele cand ploua.

Ne6khrbNeclx a scris in data 24-10-2013:
Tiene muy buena pinta. A mi me ronda la cabeza un tealcdo BT pero que incluya algfan tipo de dispositivo para manejar el ratf3n (un trackpad o lo que sea). El tealcdo BT de Apple me parece perfecto, pero necesitareda un ratf3n aparte.Hay aplicaciones que te permiten manejarte por el OS X con el Apple Remote, pero no es lo mismo Ah y . ZORIONAK!

KRhW6rxVI9k a scris in data 23-10-2013:
xiqueta, ara si que faras bones fotos ! despres de patir i rabair un poquet, per que no sabras la mitad de coses, com van, despres li pillaras el tino, i a fer fotos con si estigueres boja ! disfrutala xiqueta un fort abrac7 !

UuihB8A4Pa a scris in data 23-10-2013:
It's great to find soeonme so on the ball

jKk7dseh7t a scris in data 23-10-2013:
Girl you're so lovely...Ohh you have no idea how much I rreegt we couldn't met as we planned, I was incredibly busy, had no time for nothing, it was crazy and time passed so fast that I didn't even notice...Anyway we will see each other again;)Take care and enjoy these sunny days as much as you can!Love,Gia.

8CIUXopaGSF a scris in data 22-10-2013:
Jeje =) Ja sas el que has de fer, venir-te'n cap ae7ed tambe9 Luisa La veritat es que este0 sent una gran eexprie8ncia, no m'arrepentisc. Intentare9 a estar a la altura en el blog, perf2 de vegades e9s difedcil actualitzar en coses noves!! Perf2 intentare9 donar el me0xim! Un beset molt gran.Per cert, tu tambe9 estas fent una gran llabor al teu blog, entre tots els diees per a possar-me al dia, i aprenc molt dels teus posts. Segueix aixed!

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